春夜喜雨 AWelcome Rain One Spring Night
好雨知时节,A good rain knows its season,
当春乃发生.And comes when spring is here.
随风潜入夜,On the heel of the wind it slips secretly into the night,
润物细无声.Silent and soft,it moistens everything.
野径云俱黑,Now clouds hang black above the coutry roads,
江船火独明.A load boat on the river sheds a glimmer of light.
晓看红湿处,At dawn we shall see splashes of rain-washed red-
花重锦官城.Drenched,heavy blooms in the City of Brocade.
我参阅了<<夜莺颂>><<威尼斯商人>><<坎特伯雷记>>等诗歌,现尝试用Heroic Couplet 来译(但我对iambic还不熟悉),并借鉴莎士比亚的Sonnet 18,运用古词语,比如用art代替are.总之,我想追求韵律整齐,力求古朴,也想让我在读诗的时候浮现一幅湿漉漉的写意工笔画.我将拙作发贴(如下文),贻笑大方,望大家指正,不胜感激.
Exhilarated by the Rain on a Spring Night
Hail to thee,seasonable rain!Thou do be always coming,
Timely in the season of Spring.
Fluttering,whirling,insinuated into the night with the wild winds,
Moisten every beings in piety and generouse.
Peering,the outskirt tracts art deeply misted over in the night,
Whereas the lanterns on the roving vessel illumianate.
At dawn on the plot where the rosy due sunk through every vein I behold,
That piles of blooms flourishing in the bosom of the City of Brocade.